We all know that pests can become a huge problem. Not only do they cause damage to your property and belongings, but they can also spread disease and contaminate food sources. Unfortunately, DIY pest control solutions often don’t work as well as calling in the experts. Knowing when it’s time to call a professional pest control service can help you get rid of pests quickly and safely. Here are some signs that it might be time to call a professional pest control service.
Seeing multiple types of pests – If you’ve noticed more than one type of pest in your home or business, it’s likely that there is an infestation. Different types of pests require different methods of removal and treatment, which is why it’s important to call a professional for help.
Unusual pest behaviour – If you notice any strange behaviour from pests in your home or business, it is likely that they are reproducing and multiplying. This usually indicates a larger infestation and should be addressed as soon as possible.
Increase in activity – If you’ve noticed an increase in the number of pests around your property, it’s likely that the infestation is getting worse.
The presence of dead pests – If you’ve noticed any dead pests around your home or business, this is an indication that the pest problem is out of control and needs to be addressed immediately.
Widespread damage and contamination – When pest infestations become too large, they can cause widespread damage to your home or business. If you’ve noticed evidence of gnawing, chewing, or other types of destruction, it’s time to call a professional pest control service. Additionally, if there is any sign that your food sources have been contaminated, you should reach out for help as soon as possible.
Seeing multiple instances of the same pest – If you keep seeing the same type of pest in different areas, then this could be a sign that there is an infestation. A single bug or two can easily be taken care of with a DIY solution, but if you’re seeing multiple bugs in multiple places then it’s time to call in the professionals.
Hearing weird noises – If you hear strange noises coming from your walls or ceilings, there is a chance that pests are living inside them. Pests such as rodents and insects can find their way into hard-to-reach places, which can make them a real problem to spot.
Unpleasant odours – If your home or business starts to smell unpleasant, it’s likely that there is a pest problem brewing. Pests such as rats and cockroaches can produce strong odours that quickly spread throughout the area.
Seeing signs of damage – Another sign that you need to call a professional pest control service is if you see any signs of damage on your property. This could include chewed wires, holes in the walls or floors, or gnawed furniture.
Blood spots on walls or furniture – Blood spots can indicate the presence of fleas, ticks, and other blood-sucking insects in your home.
Discolouration on walls and ceilings – Pests can leave behind discoloured spots on walls and ceilings as they crawl through the area.
Clusters of bugs near windows or doors – You might notice clusters of insects around windows and doors, which could indicate an infestation. Insects often congregate near openings to a home or business, and if you see this it’s best to call a professional pest control service as soon as possible.
Unusual bites or stings – If you or your family members experience unexplained bites or stings, then there might be an infestation in your home or property.
Unusual activity around food sources – If you notice pests near your food or in areas where you store food, then you should call a professional pest control service. They can help identify the type of pest, and take appropriate measures to get rid of them. Also, if you notice that your food is being consumed faster than usual, it could be a sign that pests are getting into your pantry or refrigerator.
Burrows and mounds of dirt outside your home – Certain pests like rodents and insects will create burrows and mounds of dirt around the exterior of your home.
Nesting materials – Pests often make nests out of found items in your home or property, such as bits of paper and fabric. If you find any materials that look like they could be used for nesting, it’s best to call a professional service right away.
Flying insects – If you’re seeing flying insects such as flies or mosquitoes inside your home, it may be time for professional pest control services. These types of pests can be more difficult to get rid of and may require specialised treatment.
Trouble sleeping – If pests are keeping you up at night, it’s time to call a professional pest control service. Pests such as bed bugs and mosquitoes can be very hard to get rid of without the help of an expert.
Allergy symptoms that seem worse around your property – Certain pests, like dust mites, can trigger or worsen allergy symptoms. If you’re noticing that your allergies seem to be worse at home, it could be a sign of an infestation and you should call a professional pest control service.
No one wants to deal with pests in their home or business, but knowing when to call a professional pest control service is an important step in protecting your property and belongings. If you notice any of the signs above, it’s important to get professional help as soon as possible so that the infestation doesn’t worsen or spread. Don’t wait until the problem is out of control—call a professional pest control service today!
How do I know if I need to call a professional pest control service?
If you see any of the signs listed above, such as chewed wires, discoloured spots on walls or ceilings, clusters of bugs near windows and doors, unusual bites or stings, burrows and mounds of dirt outside your home, flying insects, trouble sleeping, allergy symptoms that seem worse around your property, or unpleasant odours then it’s time to call a professional pest control service.
What should I do if I find nesting materials in my home?
If you find items that look like they could be used for nesting, it’s best to call a professional pest control service right away. They can help identify the type of pest and take appropriate measures to get rid of them.
How soon should I call a professional if I think there’s an infestation?
It’s best to call a professional as soon as you notice any signs of an infestation. Don’t wait until the problem is out of control—call a professional pest control service today!
What types of pests can a professional help me with?
Professional pest control services can help with all kinds of pests, including rodents, insects, bed bugs, flies, mosquitoes, and more. They can help identify the type of pest and take appropriate measures to get rid of them.
Are there any good pest control services near me?
Yes, there are likely professional pest control services near you. You can search online or in the phonebook to find one that is local and reliable. Be sure to read reviews and ask for references before hiring any company. When in doubt, call a few different services to compare prices and services offered.
Based in the West Midlands? If you live in the Worcester area, you can check out pest control in Worcester, for quality pest control services.