Timber Frame Kit Suppliers

Timber Frame Kit Suppliers

What are the benefits of a timber frame?

  • Eco Friendly

This method of on-site construction is environmentally friendly as the timber used is renewable and sourced from managed forests, which do not harm the environment. As timber is a natural source of wood it requires less energy to produce and can be made up from residues and recovered wood.

  • Creating a unique home

Not only is a timber frame durable and strong, it will also give you the opportunity to have input into designing your home. As opposed to buying a ready built property, this method will ensure that your home meets your needs and requirements.

  • Speeding up the construction process

When buying a newly built home you may have to wait until the previous homeowners have been able to find suitable accommodation, whereas, a timber framed home can be assembled very quickly, and will save you money in the long run.

  • Saving on your energy bills

Timber framed homes are great for retaining heat and can save up to 70% on your energy bills as the energy required to heat a timber framed home as opposed to a home made from brick is much less. This method will also save you a considerable amount on building materials, as masonry materials are much more expensive than timber frames.

Looking for an energy efficient and sustainable self-build?

A timber frame will give your home:

  • fantastic structural support
  • strength
  • lasting durability

This type of frame has grown in popularity across the UK, as many homeowners look to speed up the construction process whilst being environmentally friendly. As many people are looking to cut costs during the recession, this process is the ideal solution.

Read through our useful guide for more information

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