Insulation in homes is one of the most important factors in terms of energy efficiency and meeting zero greenhouse gas emissions across the UK by 2050. With the UK government having targeted over a million homes for an energy efficiency upgrade between 2015 and 2020 under the GD (Green Deal) and Energy Company Obligation (ECO) frameworks, 65% of all the measures were home insulation in nature.
Way before you think about solar heating or other green energy sources and cutting costs of fuel and energy, insulation in your home should be the first thing to think about. One of the easiest, most efficient and practical measures of saving energy in homes, insulation keeps your home cool during scorching summer months and warm in cold, snowy months in winter.
Insulation is important in different ways.
Paying less for energy bills
One of the reasons insulation makes sense is its ability to lower energy bills. For instance, a mere cavity and loft wall insulation could help a typical house save over £310 annually. At the same, insulation lessens carbon dioxide emissions meaning you’ll be doing something about your carbon footprint and that of the globe. As energy bills rise, the benefits of efficiency becomes very clear.
By 2019 for instance, combined energy bill across different homes in the UK hit a whopping £1,289 annually, a more than 8 per cent increase from the previous year. With better insulation in your home energy use and cost will go down.
Helps lower fuel poverty cases
In England, one in every 10 homes or 2.5 million households are deemed to be in fuel poverty, which is basically a situation where a household incurs lots of heating expenses about the average national consumption that almost puts the home closer to poverty. With inefficient housing a major contributor of fuel poverty, insulation becomes a practical solution and saving grace in many homes.
Demand by new home owners
More than any other time in history, homeowners want to own homes that aren’t just energy efficient, but also well insulated. Nonetheless, there seem to be a huge disconnect between what new property buyers want and available energy efficient frameworks important to them. Most homeowners consider cooling and heating costs and energy efficiency features to be most critical, such as insulation.
Through insulation, builders are able to meet the needs of current and future homeowners. A home available for sale with low cooling and heating expenses will most probably sell fast. Insulation makes this happen and remains one of the most cost-effective, affordable and fastest feature that can be done in residential properties appealing to the modern homeowner.
Insulation helps with sound and noise control
The worst home you can have is one that’s noisy where a racket from outside affects the quality of life inside the house, such as noisy neighbours, traffic, sirens, vehicles including music, television, children among others from other rooms in the same house. With changing tastes many people prefer owning or renting homes with proper sound and noise insulation as today’s external and internal factors make our neighbourhoods noisier.
Promotes a healthier household
Today, healthier households and features promoting good health are highly preferred. Insulation comes in handy here, together with air sealing that helps keep harmful chemicals, allergens and complex pollutants away from the family. Insulation on its own might not be the complete health package but with additions such as air sealing allergies and asthmas, among others, can be easily managed.
Most important though is insulation that’s done using non-toxic chemicals, non-volatile organic compounds and mould preventing materials. This means hazardous mildew, mould and fungi are kept away with proper insulation and ensures repairs aren’t needed in a long time.
Offers desirable comfort in different times
During bleak extra-cold winters insulation keeps the entire house warm and comfortable. During summer months a refreshing colder breeze ensures everyone in the home doesn’t suffer from extreme heat. Well done insulation ensures the temperature in the home is maintained in the right, required levels every single day of the year. You won’t have to worry like many households across the region when colder winters are here with us or during extra-warmer summers. Companies such as Celotex provide great insulation products to insulate any home.
Insulation comes handy in different ways and remains one of the most expected features in any new and upgraded home in the UK. With the government driving the low-carbon emission agenda and helping households cut cost of energy for efficiency purpose, it pays to have your residential property insulated. Almost everyone will be interested in a well-insulated property that helps them lower their energy bills and live a quality, comfortable and healthier life.