Home and car owners will know the struggle of constantly having a range of DIY tasks on the go. From redecorating the spare bedroom to fixing air conditioning in your vehicle, there are hundreds of DIY jobs that seem to always need doing. The problem is, when you’re working all week anyway, it can be hard to find the time to do these jobs, leaving them to drag out over days. Don’t despair though, as there are a few ways to improve the efficiency of tackling most DIY jobs in the home, garden or elsewhere.
Research the Task
When time is of the essence a lot of us are guilty of just steaming in and starting on a job without thinking it through first. For those tasks that you’ve either never tried or only done once or twice before, this approach can result in the job taking double the amount of time it should.
It’s all well and good saving time by getting straight into it, but researching the most effective way of doing the DIY task, by reading online guides or watching videos, can ensure you make no mistakes and use the quickest possible method.
Similarly, you may also benefit by scheduling specific tasks in advance, so that you have time to prepare yourself and develop the necessary skills. Now is the ideal time to start preparing your autumn checklist, for example, before the onset of colder, wetter and harsher weather conditions.
Get the Right Tools and Equipment
Another common mistake is starting a DIY job without investing in all the necessary tools and equipment. This can mean you have to stop and start again, reducing all motivation in the process. Or you end up doing only half a job, meaning that in a few months time you’ll need to redo it, wasting even more time. Whether you’re replacing the front door or renovating a campervan, it’s essential that you acquire all the tools and equipment you’ll need for the task at hand before starting on it.
Set a Deadline
Many people work best under pressure, so it can be worthwhile to set yourself a deadline for getting the DIY task done. In some cases it can be natural, such as preparing a baby’s bedroom before they’re born. Otherwise you can set a certain date when you want or need the job to be done by, or if you really need to ramp up the pressure then split it up into stages. Daily deadlines can help with this or even hourly, such as saying you’ll have one wall painted in a set time limit. Don’t let this impact on the quality of your work though.
Check the Conditions
For outdoor DIY tasks in the garden, working on your car or caravan, check what the weather’s supposed to be like first. When it’s forecast to rain, change the date or switch this task for one indoors. Poor weather can have an impact on you mentally, de-motivating you and making tasks take longer, while also making jobs such as washing your car or working on the engine a lot harder and take longer. Choose the right time and conditions to do such tasks.
Your efficiency when completing a range of DIY tasks should improve greatly as long as you know how to do the job, have everything you need and a clear goal.