3 Steps to Creating an Eco-Friendly Office Space

by | Sep 30, 2016 | blog, Commercial

Let’s face facts; the majority of home design trends are fluid and changeable and evolve considerably over time. The cyclical nature of these trends reflects those that dictate the world of fashion, from the dark and textured fabrics of winter to the emergence of pastel-shades and floral prints in the summer.

There are some home design trends that are far more resilient, however, such as the drive to create sustainable and eco-friendly homes. Although this continues to evolve in terms of application and best-practice, the desire to reduce our living costs and individual carbon footprints has remained unchecked for a considerable period of time.


3 Steps to Creating an Eco-Friendly Office Space 

Of course, this trend is most prevalent in the residential design environment, but it is now being given increased status as a key business priority. Much of this has to do with the prevailing age of corporate social responsibility, as businesses look to leverage this to reduce emissions, access financial incentives and create a progressive brand image.

Regardless of these goals, and whether you are looking to relocate your business or move into a commercial office space for the first time, the design of an eco-friendly office can deliver numerous advantages.  With this in mind, here are some steps to achieving such a goal: –


  1. Install Eco-friendly Fittings and a Centralised Waste Management System 

For an office to effectively deliver savings and reduce your emissions, it will need to feature various, eco-friendly fittings and design elements. This includes everything from LED lighting to the need for a centralised waste management and recycling system, which should replace all-purpose bins and waste paper baskets.

These design processes must also be accompanied by the cultivation of an eco-friendly culture among your staff members, so that they fully buy into your sustainable philosophy and change their behaviour accordingly.


They must be educated on the functionality and the merits of the new waste management system, for example, while also being encouraged to switch off all lights and pieces of equipment when they are not in use.


  1. Create an Energy-efficient Space and Implement the Optimal Set-up 

As you redesign (or select) your office, you will also need to pay attention to the importance of energy-efficiency. While some may want to consider introducing solar power depending on their budget and average energy consumption, the majority of you should focus on installing efficient heating and cooling systems and ensuring that they benefit from the optimal set-up.

This means automatically turning these off during the evenings and the weekend, while also operating them according to a predetermined schedule during the working day. Experts also recommend that you maintain a steady temperature of between 20 and 22 degrees, as this helps you to manage costs and a comfortable working space.


  1. Promote your Culture Through Eco-friendly, Employee Initiatives 

We have already touched on the importance of creating an eco-friendly culture among your employees, as this ensures that you achieve your goals and an ROI on your investment. To ensure that this culture is immersive and engaging, however, you may also want to promote it through a number of creative and eco-friendly initiatives that are open to all staff members.

Read through our useful guide for more information

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