Mobile Phone Security Tips you should know

by | Feb 18, 2021 | Security

You don’t just use your phone for phone calls and texts. No, you use the device for much more. Right from keeping in touch with your family or friends and social media to making wireless payments, checking work emails, and banking activities, there are numerous ways you can use your phone. Actually, you are walking around with a phone-sized computer in your pocket, and that device is full of your information.

Research has shown that there is widespread agreement that malicious attacks on mobile devices are on the rise. From a high level, it is believed that the reason for the increase is that the bad guys are “getting better at what they do”. Although there has been a decrease in the number of malware attacks, malware writers have found ways to circumvent many of the antivirus and browser protection features included in current smartphones.

Some of the well-known malware attacks were SmartCarberp, BlackMag4u, and Trojan AcePhat. These infections utilized vulnerabilities in popular web browsers such as Internet Explorer, Firefox, and Opera. Even though these infections would usually not require a user to perform a system scan or reinstall their operating system, it is essential to know that there are other risks associated with having such applications running on your phones and computers.

The concept of Samsung mobile phone recycling and or reselling other phones from popular brands has made it easier for even average income earners to own expensive devices such as Samsung galaxy s20. Whether you own a refurbished phone, a second-hand one, or a brand new device from the manufacturer, there are important phone security measures you should know. These include;

Ensure your software is up-to-date

Whether you’re running Android, iOS, or Windows Phone, it is recommended to get the latest version of the operating system available. Sometimes, this can be a little bit challenging as Android updates often take some time to go through the network and manufacturer testing. Generally, the latest versions of OS have better features, and most of the common security loopholes have been addressed.

Many manufacturers allow mobile phone users to set their phones to check for recent updates automatically. Therefore, always ensure this box is ticked. Besides, you should ensure your device is compatible with an application that you may want, such as gaming apps, productivity apps, and more.

Install antimalware

It is not just PCs and laptops that can get infected by spyware, viruses, and malware. Your mobile phone can get affected too. You would not hesitate to install antivirus software to keep the information stored on your computer. So, why haven’t you installed such an application on your phone?

Most mobile phones like Huawei and Samsung have pre-installed antimalware protection. You can also find relevant antivirus applications. These apps work in the same way as antimalware software and screen your device, checking for different types of threats and harmful files that you may have downloaded unknowingly. If the app detects any suspicious file, you can eliminate it using the antivirus.

Get a good phone case

Nothing can make your heart sink like the sound of your smartphone hitting the floor. To keep it safe, get a screen protector and a protective case and probably save yourself the heartache of scooping up a smashed device. Handling your phone carefully can also keep it from frequent falls and related damage.

Revise your app permissions

Probably you are wondering what application permissions are. Well, these are the pop-ups that require you to tap ‘okay’ whenever you want to download or install a new application. Though they may seem less critical, app permissions determine what your newly installed app can access on your cell phone. Thus, it is wise to pay attention to those permissions.

Avoid open Wi-Fi networks

These types of networks are always a welcome sign, particularly for individuals desperately trying to save on their data allowance. Before you connect to any network and start handling your online banking tasks and checking your work emails, keep in mind that open Wi-Fi networks aren’t safe and could put the information stored in your phone at risk.

Keeping your mobile phone safe isn’t challenging. Just take a few minutes to review the current settings, install antimalware, and make sure that the OS is up-to-date. This will give you peace of mind that your smartphone is secure, and even if you misplace it, you can still track it.

Wrap up

Obviously, being aware of all the things that can go wrong with your phone is not enough. Using the internet can offer many benefits, but it is also rife with risk. It is imperative that you take the right precautions to minimize the risks so that you are able to enjoy the full capabilities of your phone as well as the peace of mind that it provides.

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