This infographic will take you through some of your favourite houses from TV series’ and popular movies such as Friends, Scarface and The Fresh Prince of Bel Air. Aston James property surveyors London have really gone into lots of detail with this wonderful infographic. For Firstly example, they give you the estimated price, location of actual property, number of bedrooms and a rating out of 10.
Firstly, is the house used in the world renowned classic film Scarface. This historic estate situated in Montecito, California has an estimated worth of around $37.5 Million. The estate covers a massive 10 acres of land, the 100 square-foot residence was built in 1906, past tenants include huge stars such as, Charlie Chaplin, Albert Einstein and Winston Churchill.
Next in the list is the apartment used in famous sit-com Friends, the Friends apartment building is about 3 miles from Central Park, each of two main apartments that featured in the sitcom which ran from 1994-2004, had a bathroom, 2 bedrooms and a balcony, not forgetting an open living area. The estimated price of this property would be around $3.5 Million.