Creating a Home Office Space – 3 Key Considerations

by | Jul 15, 2018 | blog, DIY Tips

At first glance, there are many reasons why you would consider building a home office space.

You may want to minimise your daily commute and create a space that can empower your business, for example, while it’s believed that building a home office will also add value to your property.

The key to achieving these goals lies with your execution, however, as you look to create a viable space while also reducing costs. Here are some considerations to keep in mind:

Have a Clear Vision in Mind

When creating your dream office space, it’s absolutely crucial that you have a clear and viable vision in mind from the outset.

Make no mistake; this can often be the difference between successful and failed builds, as it enables you to established a workable layout that strikes the ideal balance between style and functionality.

This does not mean that your vision cannot be adapted over time, but it should at least provide a foundation for the build and an overarching structure for the product as a whole.

Just remember that you may need to liaise with a professional before finalising your plans, as otherwise it can be difficult to separate achievable objectives from fanciful alternatives.

Choose the Right Materials and Labour Force

When it comes to cost, choosing the right materials and labour force will be your most important considerations.

In terms of the former, it’s important to appreciate the evolution of building materials in recent times, which has seen the emergence of sustainable and energy-efficient options on the consumer mainstream.

Take thermal laminate plasterboard, for example, which is made from gypsum board and capable of providing energy-efficient insulation throughout the home. It also boasts short and long-term cost savings, while it’s available in an array of different styles, thicknesses and finishes.

You’ll have less room for manoeuvre in terms of labour, but the most important thing is to break the project down into individual tasks before determining which you can manage yourself. The rest should be outsourced, particularly if you want to create a safe space that has been finished to a high standard.

Be Strategic when Setting a Budget

With a clear vision and cost-saving plan in mind, you’ll need to establish a budget for the project.

In general terms, this should be calculated as accurately as possible, while it’s also important to create a financial contingency to account for the likelihood that some cost objectives will be exceeded.

When setting a budget, you should also ensure that this reflects the purpose of your office and your average earnings. More specifically, those who work part-time from home and leverage this an additional stream of income should spend a little less on the development of their office space.

In contrast, people who intend to work full-time from home and command a significant salary can afford to invest a little more, particularly if this aids their productivity and minimises commuting costs.



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