A Stately-Style Home Garden by Barnes Walker

by | Nov 15, 2016 | Outdoor



Traditional, stately-style homes are something that we’re a huge fan of here at Flat Pack Houses – especially because the gardens that accompany them are so stunning!

When we came across this photo collection by Barnes Walker of a stately-style home garden, we fell in love instantly. The outdoor space has been maximised and looks classically beautiful… We could only imagine how great of an area it provides for the homeowner to relax and enjoy.

If you’re looking for some inspiration on this dull Winters’ day (or want some ideas on how to DIY your own stately home garden!), we’re sure you’ll love these images just as much as we do:

The Property




The features of this building are beautifully complemented by the outdoor greenery, with the old brickwork providing great contrast against the external pieces.

We love the symmetrical feeling of the property (which totally oozes class and elegance!) … Such a beautiful home should have a suitably beautiful garden.

External Seating Areas




We can see in the images above that the garden provides the homeowners with a great area to entertain guests or simply enjoy alfresco dining throughout the warmer months.

A patio has been introduced, with a beautiful set of table and chairs taking centre stage. There’s also a swinging bench hung from the tree that we’re sure will make for a great tranquil book-reading spot.

Shrubs, Plants & Bushes






What would a great garden be without the appearance of shrubs, trees and plants?

The landscape architects that designed this external space achieved a great balance of greenery, with some gorgeous examples of how nature can be easily implemented into any outdoor space you have – and look beautiful at the same time.





As shown in the images above, this property also has the additional bonus of an outhouse being featured into what looks like a courtyard. The oak-themed building again, complements the greenery of the outdoors and it definitely makes for a place that we’d love to visit.

What is your favourite feature of this stately-style home gardens, designed and planted by Barnes Walked Ltd?

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