Architecture Inspiration by Gundry & Ducker

by | Oct 28, 2016 | DIY Tips



Architecture and interior design are two hard things to master. No matter how much experience you have with designing your own home, it can be difficult to find matching colours that bring a different vibe to your internal space.

We’ve collected a handful of our favourite photos from Gundry & Ducker that can bring you added inspiration when it comes to decorating your flat pack home or interior area:




One of the best ways to change the feeling of any room in your home is to change the lighting. Typical lighting fixtures can be plain and boring. Instead of settling for these options, find an alternative that can act as the centerpiece of your room.

If your room isn’t large enough to add a feature light (or you just enjoy small lighting fixtures!), you can also use multiple different lighting features to accentuate parts of your space.

In the examples above, we can see how this restaurant has used features that show the filament within the light bulb. This is a huge trend at the minute and we’re expecting to see this kind of lighting solution across homes in the UK over the coming months.




Many people are often afraid by block colours as they can be overwhelming and have the potential to go wrong. However, when pulled off and designed perfectly, they can look incredible.

We can see that this example uses blue, yellow and white as their feature colours. Despite the colour clash being very “in your face”, it looks incredible and gives the building a personality.

Open Plan Spaces



Instead of tight rooms that can cause issues when re-decorating, open plan spaces give you the flexibility to add larger pieces of furniture into the room. What’s more – they look stunning and are definitely in style!

What is your favourite way to decorate the interior of your home?

Read through our useful guide for more information

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